The pack of 12 tender answers to use in your tenders / proposals

16,000 words of tender responses | 12 customisable answers | 56 page-pack

I'm aggie, a tender writer of 5 years.

Take a Sneak Peak Into my time-saving tender hack pack, to help you with writing your tenders / proposals...

If writing tenders for 5 years has taught me one thing - it’s that not everyone has the writing gene.

I may have seen some poorly written tenders, because I KNOW exactly how time-consuming and repetitive they are. Each tender seems to ask for the same thing, but in a different way - frustrating right?

Then there’s the balancing act of writing the actual tender, while trying to somehow do your day job too… How do you fit in the time to write lengthy proposals when you’re missing the time (not to mention that writing gene).

A mammoth task that may have (unluckily) landed on your desk… Day job, writing tenders, checking for spelling, and only 8 hours in the day.

Stress levels = through the roof.

I know the struggle - that’s why I created the solution.

I present to you professionally written, ready-made tender responses (answers). It’s a pack of comprehensive and detailed, template tender answers that can be used again, and again and again times infinity…

Let’s get straight to the point - the reasons why this pack could be THE solution to responding to and writing your tender proposals:

  • Your struggle to find the time to write the tender responses
  • You need an affordable/budget option to using freelancers or writing services
  • You're a new / start-up business looking to expand through tender proposals
  • Writing tender responses feels like an unmanageable chore...
  • You struggle with balancing your day job and writing tenders
  • You'd like a solution that you can keep, adapt and re-use
  • You struggle with writing and/or grammar (lacking that writing gene...)
  • You're new to tenders and you find them overwhelming... Where do you even start?!
  • You find writing tender responses stressful
  • You'd like to save money
  • You're looking for customisable, ready-written tender responses
  • You don't know what those tender responses/answers should look like and you need some ideas
  • You don't know where (or how) to start, and you leave it until the last minute...

More About This Epic Pack

Absolutely STOKED to present this beauty of a tender / proposal pack - I’ve been meaning to create this for a few months now.

If like me, you like to procrastinate, we could probably go out for a coffee to complain about how unnecessarily complicated the tender writing process is 😉

The Pack contains 10 Template Answers for the most common responses in bids/proposals.

I’ve laid them out clearly for you, highlighting exactly where you should/need to insert your company-specific or industry-specific information.

What’s Inside…

10 ready-written answers + 2 FREE bonus answers worth $29.

Each answer is detailed, professionally written and proofread.

The answers are on the following tender topics/areas:

  1. Social Value
  2. Quality Management Assurance
  3. Continuous Improvement
  4. COVID-19 Safety and Compliance
  5. Performance Management and KPIs
  6. Health and Safety
  7. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  8. Customer Care and Satisfaction
  9. Complaints
  10. Mobilisation

Did your shoulders slump with weight being lifted, because you’ll never have to write these from scratch again? Thought so.

The answers also include tables, diagrams, charts and visual aids to make your tenders stand out from the crowd!

Nobody likes a boring block of text, right?

To make your stresses go away even further, I’m throwing in 2 totally FREE TEMPLATE ANSWERS worth $29 if you make the purchase TODAY, on:

  1. Managing Suppliers and Subcontractors
  2. Company Team Structure

** How About a Freebie? **

Get a FREE Sample Answer worth $19 to Try Before You Buy

Not sure about the Pack? I get it. You need to see it to believe it and try before you buy.

You can get the FREE sample answer by filling out the below form. Go ahead and check your emails and I’ll see you back here 😊 I’ll wait…

Hey - keep scrolling, there’s more to find out about the pack and me below!

FREE Sample Tender Answer

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Who Created This Life-Saving Pack?

    Hey, I'm Aggie and I'm a trained Tender Writer​

    Okay, that pack sounds great. But - who am I, and what makes me a trustworthy source?

    Here’s the deal: I’ve lived and breathed tenders for the last 5 years. I have been trained by 2 separate tender writing companies, who had 2 different approaches to writing tenders/proposals.

    With the training provided, I've seen various techniques and guidelines on what should be included in responses and how to write them effectively.

    In those 5 years, I’ve written HUNDREDS of tenders/proposals which included PQQs, ITTs, Supplier Questionnaires and freestyle proposals.

    I’ve seen over a 1500+ different tenders, so I know what kind of questions are asked on tenders most commonly.

    Through the 5 years of writing, learning and working with 2 tender writing services, I’ve developed a best practice approach to tenders, based on what I've seen work really well.

    I've created and written this 56-page pack with that in mind. Using my best-practice approach, applying my knowledge of 5 years and experience of writing responses to THOUSANDS of different questions on tenders.

    Believe me - I’ve seen some pretty appalling tenders, and some really AMAZING tenders. Not to mention the epic ones written by yours and truly of course… I know the difference, and I know what works in these proposals!

    I have experience in writing tenders for SO many different industries, and for many different businesses, including, but not limited to:

    • Construction
    • Servicing, maintenance and repairs
    • Healthcare
    • Domiciliary care
    • Electric scooters (yep)
    • Cleaning robots (yes you read that right)
    • Catering
    • Grounds maintenance
    • Heir tracing

    Hold Up... Is the Pack Even Right For Me?

    The pack is perfect, if:

    • You're not a great writer and you're okay with that
    • You're not sure how the heck to respond to a tender, how to write/structure your answers and what to include in them
    • You're a start-up/new business and new to tenders
    • You need a budget alternative to hiring a tender writer, freelancers or writing services
    • You're spending hours of overtime writing tenders alongside your day job
    • You need some guidance, examples and ideas on structuring and writing your tenders/proposals
    • You haven't got the time to write tender answers from scratch

    13 Awesome Reasons Why This Pack Is THE Budget + Time Hack for Writing Your Tenders

    Here’s a list of benefits this pack brings, and if any of those resonate, chances are, you’re going to love it because it will make your life (and job) easier: ​ ​

    1. It will save you time spent on writing tenders - the hours you could be spending doing your day job or evenings drinking a glass of wine instead of working overtime
    2. A budget alternative to recruiting a tender writer
    3. If you’re a start up, small or a new business and you haven’t got a clue how to write that first tender/proposal - my professionally-written template answers will give you an idea of how to structure, format and write your answers ​
    4. Writing tenders/proposals will no longer feel like a chore - you can focus on just adding tender specifics and how you’re going to deliver your service ​
    5. The more affordable option and alternative to hiring out a freelance writer or writing services - also saving you lots of money as these services can be a little pricey ​
    6. The balancing of your day job and writing tenders will be more manageable and you’ll have time to relax on the night and weekend (instead of writing these loooong tenders) ​
    7. You get to save and use my ready written answers over and over because you get to keep them FOREVER - if you’re not a great writer or you struggle with grammar (or that writing gene) ​
    8. You’re new to tenders, the writing process is overwhelming and you’re not sure where the heck to start with them - I’ll tell you how, with the pack… ​
    9. Money - it will save you and your business money £$£$. This pack is an amazing budget alternative to recruiting a tender writer, hiring an external writing service or a freelance writer ​
    10. Each answer is adaptable and customisable - I’ve highlighted exactly where your specific approach or procedures need to be inserted and left gaps where your examples, evidence, your specific company info should go in ​
    11. You can use it as a guide for ideas or examples ​
    12. If you’re one of those writers that just don’t know where to start. Starting is the hardest part, (I know the feeling) if this resonates, you’ll love the pack because each answer is started (and even finished, woah! Bonus!) ​
    13. The pack includes editable visual aids such as charts, graphs and diagrams, which will make your answers stand out from the boring blocks of text that nobody really enjoys…

    Sound good..?

    man wearing red long-sleeved shirt standing beside wall

    ​ ** Here’s Your Special Offer **

    Along with the 10 Template Tender Answers, that come with editable charts, tables and diagrams, + the 2 FREE Bonuses worth $29, you’ll also be getting a special offer TODAY. ​

    You landed on this page for a reason. ​

    Perhaps you were looking for some examples of tender answers, or needed guidance, or ideas for your tenders. Somehow, you found your way here. And hey, I am SO grateful. ​

    The pack altogether is worth $219. But guess what my friend… ​

    I feel like we’ve bonded via the screen, and as a thank you, the pack is yours for just $49… ​ ​

    Ready to make your life and job easier and stop hating those tenders? Well, or at least dislike them less 😉

    Hey! I'd love to hear from you! Yes, YOU.​

    Let me know your thoughts and I'd love to hear some feedback! I'm all about learning and improving - so if you have any feedback, suggestions or comments, please let me know at:

    [email protected]


    By purchasing this pack, you are agreeing to the terms that come with it. I am not responsible for the feedback or scores you receive after using the answers pack. If you want to score highly, it is your responsibility to answer your tender questions in line with the each tenders’ requirements.

    Refund Policy

    Although I hope you find this pack useful, I understand that refunds might be requested. If you don’t think that the product is suitable for you or you’re not completely satisfied with it, you are entitled to a full refund, if you make the request within 14 days from the date of purchase.

    However, in order to qualify for a refund, you must provide a genuine reason and proof that the product is not suitable for you/your business. I’d also appreciate your feedback on how the product could be improved. If your reason is genuine and your proof provided was accepted, you will get a full refund of the money paid for the pack.